n-DES with CUDA support

I wrote & tested my implementation of n-DES (encryption algorithm)  for my thesis. It's support nVIDIA CUDA, CPU SINGLE CORE and CPU MULTI CORE. I think that i can't put here code but i can send binary version. If you want help with performance diagnostics on different cards write comment.

Picture from Wikipedia.com


  1. Could you please send binary for CUDA - DES for testing and review to minde@mysql.lt thanks!

  2. Hi! Why do you can't put the code here?
    How about performance? I have Quadro FX3700.

  3. plz send me the source code of DES in cuda if u dont mine...

  4. can u send me source code ?

  5. n-Des means that you implemented encryption/decryption of a single plaintext/ciphertext or that you have multiple plaintext/ciphertext processed at the same time?

    in case of multiple plain/cipher i would need it as a part of my thesis!


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